Leah Cupino

Leah Cupino

Leah Cupino Artist Biography

Leah Cupino has painted in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains for the last 8 years. She received a BA of Fine Arts and Commercial Design from Walla Walla University in 2003, and went on to teach in the commercial art realm in Philadelphia, PA. In 2007/8 enjoyed studio residencies at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and Virginia Commonwealth University. Currently, you’ll find her on the local trails, couch cuddling her family of five, painting in her storefront studio downtown, curating, or teaching fundamentals of art at Carroll College in Helena, Montana.

Leah's website


The Glaciers have become a powerful symbol and reminder to take things slow, evaluate exactly what is my need, and ask for no more. As an artist, I shift my attention to this visceral need for a negotiation for balance in every move, gesture, commitment, and relationship we have and want.

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